Learn How To Start Improving Your Relationship Communication

Learn How To Start Improving Your Relationship Communication

Relationship Communication Guide

As we continue talking about relationships and ways to improve your communication, I have a FREE Relationship Communication Guide you can download today to help kick-start your progress! In this guide, I give you my best relationship communication tips, suggestions and activities you can start to implement right away!

Click the button below to get access to my Relationship Communication Guide and start improving your relationship communication today!

Are you struggling to connect with your partner, feeling unheard, frustrated, sad, or distant? Start reconnecting using this free relationship communication guide to help you get back to the loving couple you once were. Banish the fights and get back to having fun!

Are you struggling to connect with your partner, feeling unheard, frustrated, sad, or distant? Start reconnecting using this free relationship communication guide to help you get back to the loving couple you once were. Banish the fights and get back to having fun!


My 3-Part Relationship Communication Checklist

One of the big keys included in my FREE Relationship Communication Guide is my 3-part Relationship Communication Checklist. 

There are 3 questions you need to ask yourself when communicating, and this checklist can help eliminate so many communication struggles. I hope you’ll find it useful in your life too!

  1. Does it need to be said?

  2. Does it need to be said now?

  3. Does it need to be said by me?

Start to Fix Your Relationship Communication

Do you ever stop and think about the process of communication in your life? What would it be like to use these 3 questions as a sort of “mental speed bump” to slow things down when communicating? Rather than just reacting emotionally or saying the first thing that pops into your mind, I encourage you to pause and ask yourself those 3 questions.

One of my goals as a couples therapist and relationship coach is to help you learn to slow your reactions down and think about how you want to respond to situations. As I started to share my relationship checklist with my clients, I could tell I was on to something. People were reporting success in using this 3-part checklist, and countless clients were coming back to share their success after using this tool in their romantic relationships as well as other areas of their lives.

I had figured out a way to get couples to stop and think before they speak! So I kept implementing my Relationship Communication Checklist with the couples I was working with in therapy and coaching, and it was continuing to help people learn to slow their reactions down so they could respond more thoughtfully to their partners. It has been almost 10 years since I implemented this 3-part checklist into my practice, and I have yet to have it not be helpful.

Sometimes we get caught up in life, in our day-to-day activities and the stress of it all can mean your marriage sometimes takes a backseat. With a little effort and this amazing free relationship communication guide, you can get back to connecting, loving, and enjoying each other in no time!

Sometimes we get caught up in life, in our day-to-day activities and the stress of it all can mean your marriage sometimes takes a backseat. With a little effort and this amazing free relationship communication guide, you can get back to connecting, loving, and enjoying each other in no time!


Using My Relationship Communication Checklist

So often, you may feel annoyed or frustrated or angry, and you just react to your significant other in ways that may not be so helpful. I would like to take a minute to look at each of the 3 questions included in my Relationship Communication Checklist, so you can understand a bit more about why it is so effective for improving communication dynamics in relationships.

1.) Does it need to be said?

How often do you say things without thinking about whether or not it even needs to be said?

2.) Does it need to be said now?

Just because you think of something that needs to be said, does that automatically mean it should be spoken the moment you think it?

3.) Does it need to be said by me?

Maybe you have determined that something needs to be said, but the next step is to evaluate if it actually needs to be said by you or not.

Relationship Communication Workshop Updates

I have created an online Relationship Communication Workshop to help you dig into the communication struggles in your relationship and start getting things back on track. I have had a number of participants submit reviews and suggestions of different lessons that would be a great addition to the workshop. I want this to be as helpful as possible, so I have decided to listen to the feedback and expand the course to include even more relationship guidance.

There is an entire section that will be devoted to understanding even more about the love languages. I will also be providing you with more details into how to manage them in relationships.

I realize that not everyone wants to go through long-term therapy or the process of getting to a therapy appointment may not fit into your busy schedule. That's why I created this course. I wanted to provide you with a way to get access to the tools my clients get from me in my practice, but you can access the material from the comfort of your own home or wherever you are.

Download the FREE Relationship Communication Guide by clicking the button below, and you’ll be the first to know about the relaunch of my Relationship Communication Workshop!!!

Everyone deserves a healthy relationship but sometimes the healthy ones start to sour. Catch yourself before it turns toxic! Download your free relationship communication guide to walk you through what's really going on, allow both parties to feel heard and respected, and build that relationship back up to a solid healthy foundation built on honest and authentic communication.

Everyone deserves a healthy relationship but sometimes the healthy ones start to sour. Catch yourself before it turns toxic! Download your free relationship communication guide to walk you through what's really going on, allow both parties to feel heard and respected, and build that relationship back up to a solid healthy foundation built on honest and authentic communication.


1:1 Coaching Appointments Now Available

I am now offering a 1:1 coaching sessions for individuals as well as couples. If you would like to set up a 1:1 coaching video session to help you start working on your relationship, you can click here.

You get to decide how many minutes you’d like to purchase worth of coaching. Then, I’ll reach out to you in order to make the determination of how you’d like to use your time. We will decide how to split up your time in 30-minute increments up to the total amount you select.

Also, notice that the more time you purchase upfront, the more you save!

Follow Me On Social Media

You can follow me all over social media for more life and relationship tips.

  • I can be found on Facebook where I do many live streams as well as post during the week.

  • I can be followed on Instagram and in addition to posts on my feed, I am always in my stories posting help tips, tricks and ideas.

  • I’m on Pinterest throughout the day posting tons of life and relationship tips!

  • I’ve recently started using TikTok where I post helpful videos in 60 seconds or less with info you can apply to your life immediately.

  • I’ve also recently joined Clubhouse, so if you have an iPhone or and iPad, you can find me on the platform by searching for @lindsay.walden

How to Develop Courageous Conversation in Your Relationship

How to Develop Courageous Conversation in Your Relationship

We will see you all again soon!

We will see you all again soon!