How to Use Empathy to Improve Your Relationship Communication

How to Use Empathy to Improve Your Relationship Communication

Relationship Communication Guide

As we continue talking about relationships and ways to improve your communication, I have a FREE Relationship Communication Guide you can download today to help kick-start your progress! In this guide, I give you my best relationship communication tips, suggestions and activities you can start to implement right away!

Click the button below to get access to my Relationship Communication Guide and start improving your relationship communication today!

Having empathy in your relationship is a vital pillar to establishing a healthy, thriving partnership. If you are needing to have more empathy or perhaps you are feeling unheard or dismissed and are seeking guidance on how to help your spouse or partner to have more empathy towards you, check out Lindsay Walden's latest video.

Having empathy in your relationship is a vital pillar to establishing a healthy, thriving partnership. If you are needing to have more empathy or perhaps you are feeling unheard or dismissed and are seeking guidance on how to help your spouse or partner to have more empathy towards you, check out Lindsay Walden's latest video.


What is Empathy?

Simply defined, empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. When engaged in communication with someone, the ability to put yourself in their shoes as a way of understanding where they are coming from based on their perspective not on our own is the process of using empathy as part of healthy communication and a way to develop a healthy relationships.

Remember that empathy in communicating is a two way street, and it takes time and practice to develop this skill.

Are Empathy and Sympathy the Same?

No, these two things are not the same thing. Empathy is when you’re able to put yourself in another person’s shoes to understand their point of view. Sympathy is when you feel compassion, pity or sorry for another person who is struggling or hurting or going through a hard time.

When communicating in your relationships there may be a time to feel sympathy for another person but empathy is an amazingly powerful tool that helps you connect with another person rather than keep them at a distance by feeling sorry for them. Empathy is the process of joining with someone on a personal level to make them feel heard.

In the following video, I dig into this topic more and bring you an activity you can start using to practice empathy in your relationship:

Do you want to understand your partner's feelings? Or maybe you need your partner to better understand where you are coming from. Either way, this video is for you. Here are some ways to understand and practice empathy in your relationship.

Do you want to understand your partner's feelings? Or maybe you need your partner to better understand where you are coming from. Either way, this video is for you. Here are some ways to understand and practice empathy in your relationship.


How to Practice Empathy

When developing empathy in your relationship communication, it’s important to put yourself in your partner’s shoes to imagine what they need, what they want and to ponder what you’d want if you were them.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What does my partner need?

  2. What does my partner want?

  3. What would I want if I was them?

The Healthy Communication Guide is a free download that can help strengthen your relationship. Follow the steps from this guide and learn how to talk with your significant other in a way that is compassionate and empathetic and helps build a strong, healthy relationship built on trust and authenticity.

The Healthy Communication Guide is a free download that can help strengthen your relationship. Follow the steps from this guide and learn how to talk with your significant other in a way that is compassionate and empathetic and helps build a strong, healthy relationship built on trust and authenticity.


Relationship Communication Workshop Updates

I have created an online Relationship Communication Workshop to help you dig into the communication struggles in your relationship and start getting things back on track. I have had a number of participants submit reviews and suggestions of different lessons that would be a great addition to the workshop. I want this to be as helpful as possible, so I have decided to listen to the feedback and expand the course to include even more relationship guidance.

There is an entire section that will be devoted to understanding even more about the love languages. I will also be providing you with more details into how to manage them in relationships.

I realize that not everyone wants to go through long-term therapy or the process of getting to a therapy appointment may not fit into your busy schedule. That's why I created this course. I wanted to provide you with a way to get access to the tools my clients get from me in my practice, but you can access the material from the comfort of your own home or wherever you are.

Download the FREE Relationship Communication Guide by clicking the button below, and you’ll be the first to know about the relaunch of my Relationship Communication Workshop!!!

1:1 Coaching Appointments Now Available

I am now offering a 1:1 coaching sessions for individuals as well as couples. If you would like to set up a 1:1 coaching video session to help you start working on your relationship, you can click here.

You get to decide how many minutes you’d like to purchase worth of coaching. Then, I’ll reach out to you in order to make the determination of how you’d like to use your time. We will decide how to split up your time in 30 minute increments up to the total amount you select.

Also, notice that the more time you purchase upfront, the more you save!

Follow Me On Social Media

You can follow me all over social media for more life and relationship tips.

  • I can be found on Facebook where I do many live streams as well as post during the week.

  • I can be followed on Instagram and in addition to posts on my feed, I am always in my stories posting help tips, tricks and ideas.

  • I’m on Pinterest throughout the day posting tons of life and relationship tips!

  • I’ve recently started using TikTok where I post helpful videos in 60 seconds or less with info you can apply to your life immediately.

  • I’ve also recently joined Clubhouse, so if you have an iPhone or and iPad, you can find me on the platform by searching for @lindsay.walden

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