September is Self-Care Awareness Month: Let's All Recharge & Take Care of Ourselves

September is Self-Care Awareness Month: Let's All Recharge & Take Care of Ourselves

Self-Care Awareness Month

I am so excited about September, because it is Self-Care Awareness Month. This week actually marks 6 months of weekly blog posts, so I think y’all know by now much I love self-care! In fact, my very first blog post was all about self-care, and I challenged you all to spend just 5 minutes per day with intentional time spent on taking care of your emotional self. We are often so good at taking care of everyone else in our lives, but we struggle to take care of ourselves also.

I am going to be writing about different self-care topics each week this month, and I do hope you’ll take some time out of your busy life to spend some time taking care of yourself. I hope you’ll develop some new habits and routines to implement into your daily life going forward, and I am always available if you need some guidance or have questions about self-care and where to start or how to get back on track.

Have you heard of self care and how it can improve your life? Are you curious to know how you can create a morning or night self care routine to help change your mindset so you can live a more peaceful and positive life? Read on for more information…

Have you heard of self care and how it can improve your life? Are you curious to know how you can create a morning or night self care routine to help change your mindset so you can live a more peaceful and positive life? Read on for more information on self care and why you should make it an important part of your daily routine. #SelfCare #SelfCareRoutine #DailyRoutine #MentalHealth #SelfCareTips #SelfCareIdeas #SelfCareActivities #FillYourCup


Self-Care Saved My Life

I do get asked a lot why self-care is so important to me, and I am definitely an open book when it comes to why I do what I do. I want to lead by example, and I never ask anyone to do something I’m not willing to do for myself or in my personal life. So, let me tell you a little about my own journey and the role self-care has played in my life.

Something to remember… You can’t give from an empty cup. If you are emotionally empty, everything in your life is going to suffer. Self-care is the way to refill your emotional cup, so you will have more to give! It’s a way to refocus and recharge your energy and also to take care of your emotional, physical, and mental well-being!

Are you feeling like you just can't take anymore? Do you tend to max yourself out and always think of yourself last? Self care is a necessary routine that will help you cope with all that life throws at you. When you make sure your emotional cup is …

Are you feeling like you just can't take anymore? Do you tend to max yourself out and always think of yourself last? Self care is a necessary routine that will help you cope with all that life throws at you. When you make sure your emotional cup is full, you are better able to help those around you. You have to take care of YOU! Find just a short bit of time morning or night to work on self care and watch how you are able manage your life and still help those around you. #SelfCare #SelfCareRoutine #DailyRoutine #MentalHealth #SelfCareTips #SelfCareIdeas #SelfCareActivities #FillYourCup


I’ve talked in previous blogs about some of the difficult things I’ve gone through in my life, and I spent so many years struggling with depression, anxiety and PTSD (if you want to read more about my story of overcoming trauma, I wrote one of my early blog posts about it here). I was stuck in my own way emotionally, and I spent a lot of time feeling hopeless. At times, it felt insurmountable, but I never gave up hope completely. I knew there had to be a way to get passed all the things that were holding me back, but it was a process to figure out.

What is Self-Care?

I have had multiple therapists throughout the past 15 years, and self-care was mentioned at times. I never knew exactly what it meant or how to do it, but I didn’t quit trying. About 2 years ago, I hired my first life coach, and in our first few meetings, self-care became the name of the game. She helped me to see the importance of daily self-care activities, and she also helped me to understand the importance of daily consistency. Some of the daily activities I implemented included the use of affirmations, gratitude practices, meditation, creative activities, reading self-help/self-development books, watching motivational videos, listening to uplifting and motivating music, exercising, spending time in nature and taking technology breaks, to name a few. During Self-Care Awareness Month, I will be addressing a number of these activities and how to begin using then in your own life, so stay tuned for those future blog posts coming soon!

Daily Routine

Are you looking for a way to create a daily self care routine? Did you know taking 5-30 mins a day to work on self care can dramatically improve your life? It's true! These simple tasks can improve your mental health. Take the time for YOU and start…

Are you looking for a way to create a daily self care routine? Did you know taking 5-30 mins a day to work on self care can dramatically improve your life? It's true! These simple tasks can improve your mental health. Take the time for YOU and start creating a daily routine TODAY! #SelfCare #SelfCareRoutine #DailyRoutine #MentalHealth #SelfCareTips #SelfCareIdeas #SelfCareActivities #FillYourCup


I learned that with just 5-30 minutes per day, I could create real and sometimes drastic improvement to my mindset and overall approach to life. Every day that I stayed consistent, I found myself feeling better and better and less and less stuck. It isn’t magic, but it sure felt magical. I found my feelings of hopelessness turning into feelings of hopefulness, and I became less and less at odds with myself. It was amazing!

Everyone Needs Self-Care

I have seen first hand the powerful benefits of implementing a daily self-care routine into your life, and I am on a mission to help everyone learn how to implement self-care into their lives. It is possible, even though I know first hand how impossible it can feel. I have found something that works and creates real lasting change and improvement, and I want everyone to feel the benefits. Self-care is not just a buzz-word. It is a real way to get out of your own way and to start living your best life.

What do you say? Are you willing to try? There is not just one right way to do self-care. It is a very personal thing that will look different for everyone. I like to think of it as a journey of self-discovery. The process of implementing self-care into your life is the pathway into self-love, self-worth, self-compassion, self-acceptance, self-approval, and self-actualization. What better way to start this journey for yourself than during Self-Care Awareness Month?!

Work with Me

If you are interested in setting up an appointment for therapy, life coaching, or consulting or if you would like more information about ways to incorporate and implement self-care into your life, you can call my office directly at 314-485-9189 or feel free to send me a message. My direct email address is and you can also follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest for more life and relationship tips!

I will be launching a number of new workshops and coaching groups in the next few months, so there will be many ways to connect and work with me! Stay tuned for details on them coming soon!

Therapy Thoughts Workshops

If you are local to the St. Louis area and interested in attending my monthly Therapy Thoughts Workshops, I would love to have you join the discussion. With school starting this month, things get a bit hectic for everyone, so we have decided hold the next in-person workshop in September. It will be Wednesday, September 18, 2019 from 7:30pm-8:30pm, and it will at the The Bike Stop Cafe in St. Charles. We will be continuing the discussion about relationships, and I will let you know the exact topic very soon. Just a reminder, the cost is $5 to get in, and this gets you $2 off any drink of your choice as well as entry into the attendance raffle drawings. I hope to see you there!

Therapy Thoughts Podcast

My Therapy Thoughts podcast has re-launched, and I am so excited!!! If you missed the first 2 episodes, here is the 1st Episode and here is the 2nd Episode where I talk about self-care. It will eventually be available in both audio and video formats, but for now, the audio format is available here for listening now or downloading to listen later.

Each new episode will be uploaded to my Therapy Thoughts Podcast Blog on the website each Thursday afternoon at 2:00pm CST, and then I’ll share it to all the podcasting sites from there. It is also available on the Apple iTunes podcast site, and you can subscribe so you never miss an episode!

I am so happy to have this up and running again, and I am so grateful to all of you for your continued support. Remember to make sure you are following all my social media platforms so will know when each new episode is available. And, make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel, so you will be able to watch the episodes once I have the videos ready to go!

Self-Care Awareness Month: Self-Help & Personal Growth and Development Books

Self-Care Awareness Month: Self-Help & Personal Growth and Development Books

Relationship Q & A: How Do Deal with Breakups and Moving On

Relationship Q & A: How Do Deal with Breakups and Moving On