Relationship Communication & The 5th Agreement: Be Skeptical, but Learn to Listen

Relationship Communication & The 5th Agreement: Be Skeptical, but Learn to Listen

Relationship Communication Guide

Looking for a way to kick start your relationship communication? I would love for you to download my FREE Relationship Communication Guide with relationship tips, suggestions and activities you can implement into the communication in your relationship! Click the button below to get access to my Relationship Communication Guide and start improving your relationship communication today!

Staying curious vs immediately disagreeing and getting upset goes so much further to building a loving, peaceful relationship with yourself and helping to find understanding, compassion, and empathy for those around you. This is the relationship tal…

Staying curious vs immediately disagreeing and getting upset goes so much further to building a loving, peaceful relationship with yourself and helping to find understanding, compassion, and empathy for those around you. This is the relationship talk everyone needs to hear.


The 4 Agreements

During the past few blogs, I have worked through explanations of each of The 4 Agreements. In this recent post, I introduced you to Don Miguel Ruiz’s book, The 4 Agreements and I have had so many of you reach out and let me know how much this framework is helping you.

Not only do I try to live by these agreements in my personal life, I use them in my practice to help my clients stay on the right track or reset when needed. They are simple agreements to make, but they are not necessarily easy to keep. These agreements are not meant to be used as a way to judge one another or hold each other emotionally hostage, but rather they are intended to help create a foundation for success with yourself and in your relationships.

Below is the video I did on the overview to give you more detail:


What are The 4 Agreements?

In case you missed it, in this post where I introduced The 4 Agreements, I have listed them for you again below for you to reference. My post from 4 weeks ago was on the 1st agreement, Be Impeccable with Your Word. My post from 3 weeks ago is where I explained more about the 2nd agreement, Don’t Take Things Personally. Two weeks ago, I created a post all about the 3rd agreement, Don’t Make Assumptions. Then last week’s post, was all about the 4th agreement, Always Do Your Best.

  • Be Impeccable with Your Word

  • Don’t Take Things Personally

  • Don’t Make Assumptions

  • Always Do Your Best

If you would like an even deeper dive into this whole concept, you can purchase The 4 Agreements book, and there is also a 3-book boxed set available that digs even deeper into the agreements and also offers insight into the 5th agreement. Today’s post is all about the 5th agreement, so keep reading for more information on it!

***This post contains affiliate links, and I may receive a very small commission if you purchase through those links at no additional cost to you. Thank you for helping me out.***

There is a better way to taking in information you don't agree with that by-passes the drama and actually builds a stronger, more resilient YOU. Plus the added bonus of creating a healthy relationship with others. Check out Lindsay's video where she…

There is a better way to taking in information you don't agree with that by-passes the drama and actually builds a stronger, more resilient YOU. Plus the added bonus of creating a healthy relationship with others. Check out Lindsay's video where she reveals the secret and helps you understand each idea.


The 5th Agreement

After going through each of The 4 Agreements, I hope you have a clearer idea of how they can be such powerful agreements to make in your life and in your relationships. The amazing author of these agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz has actually added to the wisdom he shares and has created a 5th agreement to tie everything together.

He calls it A Practical Guide to Self-Mastery, and in the video below, I explain more about the 5th Agreement, Be Skeptical, but Learn to Listen:

Step into your power and learn the art of self-mastery. This one personal development tool will propel you into a better relationship with yourself as well as create trust within and understanding of those around you.

Step into your power and learn the art of self-mastery. This one personal development tool will propel you into a better relationship with yourself as well as create trust within and understanding of those around you.


This guide to self-mastery is an interesting process of questioning things using curiosity to understand better what is true and what lines up with you and what serves your best outcomes

  • Don’t automatically believe yourself when you have a thought or a feeling

    • Are you triggered or assuming the worst?

    • Use the other 4 agreements to help you navigate things.

  • Don’t automatically believe that what someone else tells you is an absolute truth

    • Is it a projection of their own stuff?

    • Is there something that is triggered and needs to be evaluated further?

  • Use your own power to doubt what information you deem to be true

  • Listen to the intent behind the words you’re hearing from others or saying to yourself.

    • The intent is more important and will help you determine what is true

    • Lindsay’s Tip: Look for the thing beneath the thing. Meaning, what is the message beneath the message?

Be Impeccable with Your Word

In case you missed the video about the 1st agreement, I have attached it below:


Don’t Take Things Personally

In the following video, I dig into the second agreement:


Don’t Make Assumptions

The video below is where I dig into the third agreement and give you some suggestions of how you can start applying it to your life today:


Always Do Your Best

In the following video, I dig into the fourth agreement and give you some suggestions on how you can start using it in your life and your relationships!


Relationship Communication Workshop Updates

I have created an online Relationship Communication Workshop to help you dig into the communication struggles in your relationship and start getting things back on track. I have had a number of participants submit reviews and suggestions of different lessons that would be a great addition to the workshop. I want this to be as helpful as possible, so I have decided to listen to the feedback and expand the course to include even more relationship guidance.

There is an entire section that will be devoted to understanding even more about the love languages. I will also be providing you with more details into how to manage them in relationships.

I realize that not everyone wants to go through long-term therapy or the process of getting to a therapy appointment may not fit into your busy schedule. That's why I created this course. I wanted to provide you with a way to get access to the tools my clients get from me in my practice, but you can access the material from the comfort of your own home or wherever you are.

Download the FREE Relationship Communication Guide by clicking the button below, and you’ll be the first to know about the relaunch of my Relationship Communication Workshop!!!

1:1 Coaching Appointments Now Available

I am now offering a 1:1 coaching sessions for individuals as well as couples. If you would like to set up a 1:1 coaching video session to help you start working on your relationship, you can click here.

You get to decide how many minutes you’d like to purchase worth of coaching. Then, I’ll reach out to you in order to make the determination of how you’d like to use your time. We will decide how to split up your time in 30-minute increments up to the total amount you select.

Also, notice that the more time you purchase upfront, the more you save!

Follow Me On Social Media

You can follow me all over social media for more life and relationship tips.

  • I can be found on Facebook where I do many live streams as well as post during the week.

  • I can be followed on Instagram and in addition to posts on my fee, I am always in my stories posting help tips, tricks and ideas.

  • I’m on Pinterest throughout the day posting tons of life and relationship tips!

  • I’ve recently started using TikTok where I post helpful videos in 60 seconds or less with info you can apply to your life immediately.

  • I’ve also recently joined Clubhouse, so if you have an iPhone or and iPad, you can find me on the platform by searching for @lindsay.walden

Relationships, Communication & Healthy Boundaries

Relationships, Communication & Healthy Boundaries

Relationship Communication & The 4 Agreements: Always Do Your Best

Relationship Communication & The 4 Agreements: Always Do Your Best