Fall is Here so It's Time to Reflect, Recharge and Reset

Fall is Here so It's Time to Reflect, Recharge and Reset

Fall is Here

Last month was all about Self-Care Awareness Month and learning how to start taking care of yourself. Fall is finally here, and now we shift into the last part of the year. I like to spend this time of year reflecting, recharging, and resetting in order to end this year strong and set myself up for success in the new year!

How is the year going? Are you ready for the New Year? Have you sat down to reflect on this past year, to practice self care to recharge and reset yourself, and thought about your goals for the coming year? Taking time for some reflection can help y…

How is the year going? Are you ready for the New Year? Have you sat down to reflect on this past year, to practice self care to recharge and reset yourself, and thought about your goals for the coming year? Taking time for some reflection can help you see where you came from and what you need keep working on which will help you set goals for the next year. #SelfCare #GoalSetting #SetGoals #NewYear #Reflect #Recharge #Reset #PersonalGrowth #PersonalDevelopment



I love watching the leaves fall and seeing all the beautiful colors as the seasons change. It’s also such a great lesson on letting things go. The trees let their leaves go in a beautiful transformation in order to stay healthy during the harsh winter months by conserving water so they will be ready to regrow their leaves when the warmer months of Spring and Summer arrive.

As you’re going through your days during this change of season, I challenge you to spend some time reflecting on the year so far, and as you do, ask yourself the following questions.

  • Am I holding on to stress, emotion, resentment, frustration or other negativity?

  • Is holding on to it holding me back from living my best life?

  • What would it be like to let it go?

    • Does that feel possible?

    • What would I need to let it go?

Think of yourself as the tree. What would it look like to shed the things that are no longer serving you in order to make room for what’s to come!?


As the weather gets cooler and the daylight hours get shorter, it’s not uncommon to feel a bit melancholy, tired, or less enthusiastic about life than you typically feel. This time of year, also brings about the beginning of the holiday season which is always hectic and can add to these feelings of being rundown.

This is part of why I’m such a proponent of self-care. The more you have in your cup, the more you have to give. Knowing that this time of year can be so depleting, spending some time recharging your batteries, refilling your cup and/or making emotional deposits into your emotional bank account is a necessity.

Maybe you don’t know where to start with a self-care routine. Here are the links to the posts I wrote during the month of September. I tried to offer as many suggestions as possible for how to begin and how to implement self-care into your life. This is the best way I know to recharge!

Are you afraid of letting go? Fall is the perfect time to remind us that letting go is a good thing. It's a time for conserving energy and setting goals for the new year. Learning what you need to let go of helps you to make room for what’s to come,…

Are you afraid of letting go? Fall is the perfect time to remind us that letting go is a good thing. It's a time for conserving energy and setting goals for the new year. Learning what you need to let go of helps you to make room for what’s to come, so you can always be living your best life. #SelfCare #GoalSetting #SetGoals #NewYear #Reflect #Renew #Recharge #Reset #PersonalGrowth #PersonalDevelopment



After letting go of the things that are standing in your way to living your best life and recharging yourself, it’s time to focus on the reset. The reset starts by allowing yourself to reflect back on the progress you’ve made towards your goals this year. There is time to reset and get back on track if you’ve fallen off course. Yes, I mean it. No matter how far off your path you find yourself, you can still reset! Remember the theme is progress not perfection.

It could also be a time to reset your goals if things have shifted for you during the year. You could started off on one path and then suddenly find yourself in a much different place than you were expecting. Part of the reset is recognizing where you are on your journey and allowing yourself grace and permission to reset where you are headed. The reset is also a time when I like to encourage my clients to start doing some brainstorming about what they are setting up for the next year that will be here very soon.

What’s Your Word?

For the past few years, I have decided to pick a yearly theme or word/phrase as a way to guide my goal setting and vision for the next year. I start that brainstorming process in October during my reset phase, so that I have a lot of time to give it a lot of thought.

My theme/word for 2018 was self-care and I spent the entire year finding ways to create, attempt, practice and establish my self-care routines. It was such a transformational year, and I loved that I had a guiding concept to keep my on track through the year.

My theme/word for 2019 is unalome. Basically it is the concept that the journey to your destination is not straight. In fact, it’s quite curvy and bumpy, but it’s all headed towards forward progress and reaching goals. I received the word unalome on a What’s Your Word? bracelet in my December CoachCrate. I love my bracelet so much, and it’s with me everyday.

In fact, I love it so much I decided I wanted to be able to make my own and offer them to others looking to create a word/phrase to guide them. I am offering a kickoff discount for anyone wanting to get their new What’s Your Word? MyIntent bracelet, necklace or keychain from me. Send me a message to my email lindsay@lindsaywalden.com and include the code: WORD2020LW to save 20% off your order. If you’d prefer to order directly from the website, you can find my shop link here and save $10 off your order!

Do you have a word? Have you ever heard of picking a word for the new year and dedicating the next year to that word? It's like a New Year's Resolution but geared more towards personal growth and progress rather than setting an absolute. I have the …

Do you have a word? Have you ever heard of picking a word for the new year and dedicating the next year to that word? It's like a New Year's Resolution but geared more towards personal growth and progress rather than setting an absolute. I have the perfect way for you to pick your word! Do yourself a favor and give yourself the gift of knowing what your word is and setting goals for success. #SelfCare #GoalSetting #SetGoals #NewYear #NewYearsResolution #PersonalGrowth #PersonalDevelopment



Not only did I receive my first What’s Your Word? MyIntent bracelet from my CoachCrate last December, the monthly subscription service has helped me stay regular with my self-care in so many ways. I would love to have you join me on the CoachCrate adventure. November’s theme is Vulnerability, and I cannot wait! If you want to join me, you can save money on your first order using my link and the code FIRSTBOX at checkout! I stalk my mailbox waiting it to arrive each month!

Work with Me

If you are interested in setting up an appointment for therapy, life coaching, or consulting or if you would like more information about ways to start the process of reflecting, recharging and resetting by learning to incorporate and implement self-care into your life, you can call my office directly at 314-485-9189 or feel free to send me a message. My direct email address is lindsay@lindsaywalden.com and you can also follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest for more life and relationship tips!

I will be launching a number of new workshops and coaching groups in the next few months, so there will be many ways to connect and work with me! Stay tuned for details on them coming soon!

Therapy Thoughts with Lindsay Podcast

My Therapy Thoughts podcast name has officially been changed to Therapy Thoughts with Lindsay. Each new episode is uploaded to my Therapy Thoughts Podcast Blog on the website each Thursday afternoon at 2:00pm CST, and then it is shared to all the podcasting sites from there. It is also available on the Apple iTunes podcast site, and you can subscribe so you never miss an episode!

Last week we got super personal and talked about marriage, divorce, healing, moving on and staying friends with an ex. I talked about my own experiences in this area from both a personal and a professional perspective. If you want to check it out, here is the link to Episode 7.

I really am so grateful to all of you for your continued support, and I hope you’ll tune in this Thursday for Episode 8. Remember to make sure you are following all my social media platforms so will know when each new episode is available. And, make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel, so you will be able to watch the episodes once I have the videos ready to go!

Live Life Authentically: National Coming Out Day

Live Life Authentically: National Coming Out Day

Self-Care Awareness Month: Journaling Techniques

Self-Care Awareness Month: Journaling Techniques