Q&A How to Survive Times of Uncertainty Part 3 - Join my FREE Weekly Zoom Support Call

Q&A How to Survive Times of Uncertainty Part 3 - Join my FREE Weekly Zoom Support Call

Live Zoom Q&A

We are going through an unprecedented time and I just want to help in whatever way I can. I have started hosting a live weekly Zoom Q&A where you can log in and interact with me directly to ask your questions and get support to help you process through these difficult times. The next meeting will at 6:00 PM CST on Thursday, April 30, and the link to log into this free Zoom discussion can be found here. I do hope you’ll join me!

If you do have questions you’d like me to answer, you can submit them by leaving a comment on this blog, send me a message directly to me by emailing me at lindsay@lindsaywalden.com or come live on Thursday and ask your question during the Zoom meeting.

Click the button below to reserve your spot and I’ll send you a reminder about the meeting to remind you earlier in day before the meeting. I would love to have you join the discussion.

We are social beings so when we are stuck on home with limited contact with the outside world, we can start to feel lonely, withdrawn, stressed out, and other bit emotions. That's why I am reserving my Thursday evenings to getting to know my followe…

We are social beings so when we are stuck on home with limited contact with the outside world, we can start to feel lonely, withdrawn, stressed out, and other bit emotions. That's why I am reserving my Thursday evenings to getting to know my followers and creating a bit of an online community. JOIN my next Zoom Meeting by registering now!


1:1 Coaching Appointments Now Available

I am now offering a 1:1 coaching sessions. If you would like to set up a 1:1 coaching video session to help you through this time, you can click here.

You get to decide how many minutes you’d like to purchase worth of coaching. Then, I’ll reach out to you in order to make the determination of how you’d like to use your time. We will decide how to split up your time in 30 minute increments up to the total amount you select.

Also, notice that the more time you purchase upfront, the more you save!

You can always reach me directly through my email lindsay@lindsaywalden.com if you have any questions or if you want to know if this is a good fit for you.

Relationship Communication Guide

I am receiving a lot of questions about how to maintain and manage your relationships during this pandemic and the constant togetherness. Healthy communication will really help set you up for success during this time and as we look to the future of what is coming next.

I would love for you to download my FREE Relationship Communication Guide with relationship tips, suggestions and activities you can implement into the communication in your relationship! Click the button below to get access to my Relationship Communication Guide and start improving your relationship communication today!


I am also going to be using my weekly blog to answer some of the questions I’m receiving. If you can’t join the weekly Zoom support call, I’ll be recapping some of the highlights in my blogs as a way to help as much as I possible can.

Here are a few of the questions from last week’s support call.

Whoa! Before you cut your hair or dye it jet black or electric blue, take a second to ask yourself a couple of questions first. I love change! Change is good. So long as change is for the right reasons. Find out what Licensed Therapist Lindsay Walde…

Whoa! Before you cut your hair or dye it jet black or electric blue, take a second to ask yourself a couple of questions first. I love change! Change is good. So long as change is for the right reasons. Find out what Licensed Therapist Lindsay Walden has to say about drastic and sudden change plus so much more during her next Zoom Meeting!


Why do I feel a desire to cut or dye my hair? Is this normal? Should I give into this urge or not?

Lindsay’s Answer: Going through times of uncertainty tends to make you want to control elements of things that give you some sense of being in control and changing your appearance is one of the best ways you can assert that feeling of control.

I’m not gonna tell you that they should or shouldn’t partake in drastic hair changes, but I am going to suggest that you don’t just approach it in a moment of frustration or in a moment of impulsivity. My suggestion is to think through the process and maybe even get some consultation from a hairdresser.

It’s OK to want to make changes, but sleep on it and if you still think it’s a good idea tomorrow create a plan rather than just impulsively doing it.

So those days are blending together, huh? I totally know the feeling. What day is it? What time is it? Are we still stuck at home??! Find out what normal means during these extraordinary times and how keeping a routine helps tremendously. Don't forg…

So those days are blending together, huh? I totally know the feeling. What day is it? What time is it? Are we still stuck at home??! Find out what normal means during these extraordinary times and how keeping a routine helps tremendously. Don't forget to register for our next Zoom Meeting!


I feel like I lose track of time or the days of the week. Why is this and can anything be done to help?

Lindsay’s Answer: Because most of you are at home 100% of the time, it is not uncommon to feel like your days run together. there is not one right way to have a schedule during this time, but it is important to give yourself elements that you can look forward to during the day. This could be having a simple morning routine that you do every day regardless of what time you actually do get out of bed. It could also be having daily self-care such as taking a walk through your neighborhood or sitting on your front porch just to absorb some of the sunshine that’s available outside or to not feel quite so isolated inside your house.

I’m a huge proponent of having a morning and night routine as a way to keep your brain in the process of feeling like it’s being productive from day to day. For example, I have a client who has always starts her day with a cup of coffee while creating her “to-do” list. Even if the list looks a bit different than it did a month ago, it’s still a way to stay structured and know how you’d like to spend your time.

Wondering why one day you are super productive, getting things done, and making the most of your time while stuck at home and then the next day (or two for four) you are laid out on the couch and have zero motivation to do anything at all? I've got …

Wondering why one day you are super productive, getting things done, and making the most of your time while stuck at home and then the next day (or two for four) you are laid out on the couch and have zero motivation to do anything at all? I've got some tips for you! Plus make sure you register for the next Zoom Meeting!


Why do I have some days where I feel super productive and motivated and others when I don’t do anything at all?! Do you have suggestions to feel more even or consistent?

Lindsay’s Answer: It’s not uncommon to feel moments of great productivity and then moments of complete unmotivation. The same concept of keeping a regular schedule and making a to-do list could also be helpful to stay more of the side of motivation if you’re struggling.

Also, it’s important to recognize how many changes you’re having to deal with and process on an almost daily basis at this point. Many people are experiencing an overloaded feeling of too many changes in a very short amount of time, and the brain wants to shut down and not process anymore. This is not only a common experience shared among so many of us, but it is a completely normal response to what’s going on in the world.

Compassion is the name of the game. If one day you get a ton of stuff on your list accomplished, I want you to focus on those things and give yourself credit for the great job you did. However, if you had a very unmotivated day, and all you did was get out of bed and brush your teeth, I also want you to give yourself credit for taking care of yourself in some way. The goal is to not overwhelm yourself with the need to be super productive at all times. You are processing a lot at one time, and it is going to take some time to adjust.

Relationship Communication Online Workshop

I have created an online Relationship Communication Workshop to help you dig into the communication struggles in your relationship and start getting things back on track. I realize that not everyone wants to go through long-term therapy or the process of getting to a therapy appointment may not fit into your busy schedule. That's why I created this course. I wanted to provide you with a way to get access to the tools my clients get from me in my practice, but you can access the material from the comfort of your own home or wherever you are.

What's Included?

  • You will get access to a series of videos, activities and worksheets that are designed to help you dig into the various aspects of relationship communication.

  • We will talk about The 5 Love Languages, The 4 Tendencies, The 4 Agreements and so much more.

  • I'll provide you with actionable steps you can take to implement these tools into your relationships.

The Relationship Communication Online Video Workshop is now live online. Click the button below to get access and start improving your relationship today!

Here’s the link to get more information about the workshop. You can also find it and all my courses and variety of services on my Work with Me page. I am so excited to have you take part in this course!

My FREE Relationship Communication Guide

I would still love for you to download my FREE Relationship Communication Guide with relationship tips, suggestions and activities you can implement into the communication in your relationship! Click the button below to get access to my Relationship Communication Guide and start improving your relationship communication today!

Coach Crate

I cannot speak highly enough about Coach Crate. This monthly subscription service has helped me stay regular with my own self-care in so many ways, and I would love to have you join me on the Coach Crate adventure. It would make a great addition to the other work you are doing to live your best life.

May’s topic has been announced and will be all about Resilience. I feel like it’s exactly what we need right now. It feels so fitting for the current situation we are seeing in the world. You can sign up to begin with May’s Coach Crate by using my link, and you’ll get to start on the Coach Crate journey. You can save money on your first order by using the code FIRSTBOX at checkout! I stalk my mailbox waiting it to arrive each month, and I know you’ll love it as much as I do!

Therapy Thoughts with Lindsay Podcast

With everything going on in the world, we had to figure out how to go about recording each new podcast episode in a bit of a different format. This Thursday at 2:00pm CST the next episode will be uploaded to my Therapy Thoughts Podcast Blog and it will also available on the Apple iTunes podcast site. You can subscribe, so you will never miss an episode!

If you want to check out Episode 34 from last week, here is the link.

Episode 35 will be posted on Thursday at 2:00pm CST. I really am so grateful to all of you for your continued support as we are figuring out how to navigate things. I’m happy to report that we now have a way to upload the uncut and unedited video feed of the podcast recording to my YouTube channel, so you will want to subscribe to see the hilariousness.

Follow Me On Social Media

You can follow me all over social media for more life and relationship tips.

  • I can be found on Facebook where I do many live streams as well as post during the week.

  • I can be followed on Instagram and in addition to posts on my fee, I am always in my stories posting help tips, tricks and ideas.

  • I’m on Pinterest throughout the day posting tons of life and relationship tips!

  • I’ve recently started using TikTok where I post helpful videos in 60 seconds or less with info you can apply to your life immediately.

Q&A How to Survive Times of Uncertainty Part 4 - Join my FREE Weekly Zoom Support Call

Q&A How to Survive Times of Uncertainty Part 4 - Join my FREE Weekly Zoom Support Call

Q&A How to Survive Times of Uncertainty Part 2 - Join my FREE Weekly Zoom Support Call

Q&A How to Survive Times of Uncertainty Part 2 - Join my FREE Weekly Zoom Support Call